Bremerton1 App Support
Thank you for helping the City of Bremerton! With the Bremerton1 app you can report any issue that you think the city needs to be aware of, from zoning issues to potholes.
The start screen welcomes you and serves as a reminder to call 911 if there is an emergency. Touch anywhere on the screen to close the screen.
The arrow in the top left moves the buttons on the left off of the screen, leaving more viewing area for smaller mobile devices

Main Screen
The choices on the left allow you to:
- Report Issues allows you to:
- Report issues in the city
- Report police tips
- Report Location of surveillance camera
- Report a crime
- Check current traffic conditions
- Check current weather and forcasts
Report Issue
Report issue gives you have the option of reporting a city issue or a police issue.
City issues include thing like:
- potholes
- graffiti
- vegetation
- vandalism
- etc.
Police issues include:
- registering a surveillance camera
- UN-registering a surveillance camera
- sending the police a crime tip
- and reporting a crime
Report City Issue
Report City Issue enables you to:
- Enter you contact info (required)
- Enter additional comments (optional)
- Take pictures. (optional)
- Pick the location (required)
- Pick the issue that you are reporting (optional)
- Send the report
Pick Location opens a map to report the locations of the issue.
IF you have location services enabled on the mobile device, it will zoom to your location.
If you start typing an address in the address box at the top of the screen, it will give a list of addresses as you type.
Clicking on one of the suggestions will pan the map to that address.
Police Reports
If you have a surveillance camera that the police can use footage from if there is a crime in the neighborhood, please use the
Register Police Camera button to let us know.
To remove the camera from our database, use the
UN-Register camera button.
You can also leave the police a crime tip or report a crime.
reporting a crime tip
City of Bremerton is a waze city partner and can update the waze database when there are road closures do to police activity, construction work etc..
Weather gives you the current weather conditions and the forecast for the coming week.
News is an RSS reader that pulls the latest news from the City of Bremerton's news RSS feed.
Events is an RSS reader that pulls the current events from the City of Bremerton's event RSS feed.
City Tweets
City Tweets is a reader of the City of Bremerton's Twitter Account.
Police Tweets
Police Tweets include some humor, photos of wanted people and vehicles, press realeases, and ways the citizens can help the City of Bremerton police department.
Locations shows a map of the City of Bremerton's parks, fire departments, city hall, etc. Touching an item on the map triggers a popup that will display further information.